Audience Research

1. How many of the world's population are currently connected to the internet? (slide 6)
7.676 Billion
2. How many of the world's population are active social media users? (slide 6)
3. What are the top 5 social media sites used globally? (slide 10)
Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, FB Messenger, WeChat
4. What two age-groups have the largest contingent of social media users? (slide 12)
18-24 and 25-34
5. What percentage of NZ's population are connected to the internet and what percentage have social media? (slide 15)
4.22(internet) 3.40(social media)
6. What are the top 3 devices used to consume media in NZ? (slide 18)
Mobile Phone, Smartphone, Laptop or desktop
7. How many hours a day are NZ's watching/ streaming online TV services? (slide 19)
2h 42m
8. What percentage of internet users in NZ swatch videos online and what percentage stream content via the internet? (slide 28)
94%(online) 57%(internet)
9. What are NZ's top 5 social media sites? (slide 33) 

YouTube, Facebook, FB Messenger, Instagram, Pinterest/snapchat 


1. Who are considered 'i-gens' (page 3 )

Born between 1993-2005. they are social aware, involved in a wide range of activities and value their friends and family. They lead busy lives but believe to have a good work-life balance. Enjoy activities including to listening and watching through many media streams as well as spending time with family and friends. Find life exciting but often worry about "growing up" or going through the next stage of life.
2. In what ways are i-gens connected and using digital technology? (pg 4)

First generation to spend their childhood on technology. Spend all day connected online. From earl morning to late at night they stay connected online. Various medias are, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, and twitter.
3. How would you describe the relationship with i-gens with the content of the media they are consuming? (Summarise page 5)

Ver concerned with social issues like climate change, social inequality and gender roles. 'Well being' is very important. Films major influence on beliefs. Eager to be confronted about social situations. Films are a way for them to see how other people live, broaden their horizons and provoke debate. like things that inspire them to focus on the little things in life and to not take life too seriously.
4. In what way does social media play a part in influencing i-gens activity in whether they watch a film or not? (p7)

Through movie trailers it can influence whether an i-gen watches it or not, they can be very critical of one that perhaps gives too much away. i-gens can be influenced by word of mouth but nowadays not so much are they influenced by their peers but by so-called influencers off social media who create a visual word of mouth.
5. List the emotional motivations that drive i-gens to watch movies at the cinemas and what in general do they like about it? (p8 & 10)

It's chill, intimate, hyped, in the know, creative, socially conscious. Values the immerse state of the art that they may not experience at home. value emotional fulfillment and entire experience. Enjoying a sense of community with a shared experience is greatly appealing to i-gen.
6. Comment on why i-gens opt to watch movies online at home (p 9)

In-home viewing is easy, convenient, safe, comfortable and costs very little. It can be sociable or equally enjoyable alone. The ease and comfort of watching films at home out ways the benefits of going to the cinema. 
7. What do the i-gens say is negative about the cinema experience? (p11)

The costs are overpriced. It is expensive inconvenient and inflexible when compared to just watching at home. I-gens are used to the easiness of accessing movies at home and sometimes even for free.
8. Use page 13 to write a few sentences about how i-gens should be marketed to if you are trying to get them to watch your film

Need to have trailers and posters to engage them with the cinema. They need to make it feel like it's a must go to event. Publicize it on social media, even link it to big influencers.
9. Use pages 14 - 19 to write a few points about the way i-gens prefer to engage with media and what they want out of a media consumption experience

The use of apps to make booking and ordering food more streamline and convenient. Suggest dedicated places at the cinema where they can hang with their friends. Cinemas with the latest technologies that they would never be able to get at their homes. Live events not just movies. Provide virtual ways for movies to be interacted outside movie theatres. Though some enjoy cinemas some i-gens would just always prefer to stay home.


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